New Kenko TELEPLUS HD Pro teleconverters

These replace Kenko’s previous TELEPLUS Pro300 teleconverters and come with redesigned optics and multi-layer coatings to bring them up to date with the latest high-resolution DSLRs and lenses.

Teleconverters fit between the lens and the camera body and magnify the image to produce a stronger telephoto effect. They come in different strengths, typically 1.4x and 2x, and their main disadvantage is that the extra magnification brings a loss in maximum aperture. With a 1.4x converter it’s one f-stop, and with a 2x converter it’s two f-stops.

At one time it was common to be able to buy generic teleconverters like these, but the trend these days is for manufacturers to bring out their own dedicated teleconverters for specific telephoto lenses. These are more specialised and more expensive, but designed to offer a higher level of optical performance with those lenses.

Kenko’s teleconverters give you a quick and simple way to extend the focal length of a lens and they’re small and light to carry around.

The Kenko TELEPLUS HD Pro teleconverters are being distributed by Intro2020 in the UK and Ireland and come in two versions. The TELEPLUS HD pro 1.4x DGX offers 1.4x magnification and the TELEPLUS HD pro 2x DGX offers 2x magnification. Both are available in Nikon F and Canon EF DSLR mounts.

The new models come with all the electrical contacts needed to maintain communication between the camera bod and the lens and the camera EXIF data is updated to include the actual shooting values, apertures and focal lengths with the teleconverter in place.

Available: Now
Price: From £219 to £269
More information: Intro2020 website

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